Everyone here at Surrideo Orthodontics understands that with holiday goodies everywhere you look, keeping your braces clean is exceptionally difficult this time of year. But keep in mind, making sure you properly clean your teeth is even more important when you have braces and should not take a back-seat in the run up to the New Year. Here are some tips to keep in mind when brushing up your holiday grooming routine:
1. Don’t forget your toothbrush. Even though it is a busy time of year don’t forget to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes. This is the most effective way to keep your teeth healthy. Whether is be an all day shopping spree or a week-long trip to a sunny destination, make sure to pack your toothbrush. Designate a special container for your teeth-cleaning tools and keep it in your purse, backpack, or laptop case.
2. Floss that turkey away. Flossing helps prevent plaque and tartar build up, both of which can cause gum disease. Regular floss works for some patients but others find it easier to work with a floss threader, which helps you get the floss into tight places. Other patients like an all-in-one product called Superfloss, which comes with a stiff end for easy threading, a spongy section for cleaning wide spaces, and regular floss for narrow spaces.
3. Leave the Cookies and Candy Canes for Santa. Try to avoid over-indulging in sugary and starchy foods which generate plaque acid and can cause tooth decay and promote gum disease. Stay away from sticky, chewy sweets like caramel and candy canes which can cause wire damage and break off brackets.
4. Hold the fizz. Try to avoid too many fizzy drinks this holiday season. The real danger of fizzy drinks is the acid, it dissolves the enamel of your teeth making them sensitive, prone to decay and can even make them more yellow.
5. Get thee to a dentist! It’s your job to take care of the everyday cleaning. But make sure to visit your dentist regularly while in treatment, to get the deep, thorough cleaning that only a professional can provide. If you need help finding the right Dentist for you, feel free to contact our office - we’d love to help!
Make sure to check out our Oral Hygiene tips and Patient Information page on our website at www.calgarybraces.com
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