What are Incognito Hidden Braces? They’re braces that straighten your teeth, but they’re placed behind your teeth so no one knows you’re wearing them.
Why would someone get Incognito Hidden Braces? People who want to have straight teeth without anyone knowing they’re getting their teeth straightened would consider getting Incognito Hidden Braces.
Who typically wears Incognito Hidden Braces? People around the world of various ages, from adolescent to adult, wear Incognito Hidden Braces, because they do not want people to know they’re getting their teeth straightened. The system works with crowns and other dental work, and I’ve seen it used on many types of misaligned teeth, including those needing extractions and/or surgery.
Some people choose hidden braces due to their career (police officers, models, construction workers, actors, executives, etc.). Other people are like me; they had braces as a kid, and their teeth moved, so they want to straighten their teeth without anyone knowing it’s happening.
Are Incognito Hidden Braces really invisible? Well, this is a tough question. I’m wearing Incognito Hidden Braces, and they’re not visible in my daily life. When I smile, speak and eat, no one notices them.
If I yawn really wide and someone’s staring at my mouth for some reason, he/she may see them from the side, or if looking down or up at the inside of my mouth. Oh, and when something’s really funny, I put my head back when I laugh, and they’re visible then.
Other than that, the braces remain hidden….unless I want to show them off!
Do Incognito Hidden Braces work on all teeth? This system is designed to work with a wide range of misaligned teeth, but everyone has different comfort levels. Some limitations would be people whose teeth have not fully emerged, those who grind their teeth and people who cannot breathe through their nose, which is essential during the bonding process.
How long do people have to wear Incognito Hidden Braces? Every patient brings a unique dental situation to his/her doctor, so treatment times vary regardless of what system is used. In general, the treatment time for Incognito Hidden Braces (lingual braces) is similar to having braces on the outside of your teeth (labial braces).
How are Incognito Hidden Braces different from braces on the outside of your teeth?
1) Invisible – They’re on the back of my teeth, so if I move my head back pretty far when I laugh, that’s really the only time people see them unless I show them off.
1) Invisible – They’re on the back of my teeth, so if I move my head back pretty far when I laugh, that’s really the only time people see them unless I show them off.
2) Custom-made – Unlike the mass produced brackets that go on the front of your teeth, each bracket and wire is custom-made for each Incognito Hidden Braces patient’s teeth. When my brackets went in, they fit better than a glove…they fit so snugly.
3) Gold – They’re made of a gold alloy for precision (not silver-looking metals or ceramic)
4) Comfortable – Since the brackets are custom-made, they’re very low profile. It really doesn’t take very long to adjust to them. Plus tongues heal quickly. I remember my cheeks hurting quite a lot with traditional (labial) braces when I was young.
What are Incognito Lingual Braces? You may have heard Incognito Hidden Braces referred to as Incognito Lingual Braces. Lingual is dental jargon meaning on the tongue side of your teeth. So Incognito Lingual Braces are appliances (braces) fixed behind your teeth, closest to your tongue. In short, Incognito Hidden Braces are lingual braces.
Do I have to have braces on all of my teeth? There are various options available to people who require minor adjustments. It would really be up to your orthodontist to help you choose the best solution to give you the most optimal results. Some people just need six brackets on the top and bottom, some need eight on each arch, and others need brackets on all of their teeth.
Is it difficult to clean your teeth with Incognito Hidden Braces? I was genuinely surprised at how easy my brackets have been to clean, and it is quite similar to braces on the outside of your teeth. I think it’s because they cover so much of my teeth.
I have to make sure I floss, and I find the tree brush very useful for cleaning between the brackets. You may want to consider a water pick as well. Flossing takes forever because you have to thread behind the wire and between each bracket, but it’s sooo worth it! If you don’t, I hear that your gums will swell behind your teeth.
Do Incognito Hidden Braces affect the way you talk? You will have to adjust the way you speak when you get Incognito Hidden Braces. Your tongue will no longer touch your teeth like it used to. Try talking slower and practice The Rainbow Passage.
What’s it like to eat with Incognito Hidden Braces? At first, you’ll want to eat anything you can swallow without chewing. Think spoon-friendly foods like shepherd’s pie, chilli, curry, pudding, apple sauce, etc. I even contemplated baby food just because I wanted some fruit! Your teeth won’t touch at first (this is normal), so you won’t be able to chew too much.
I found the hardest thing to get used to was flipping food around in my mouth to get ready to swallow. Your tongue will scrape along the brackets, and it feels quite differently.
Choose your foods carefully as you don’t want to break a bracket off (no gum, no nuts, nothing hard), be prepared to chew slower, and suck food out of your brackets. It seriously isn’t that bad, it is just something to get used to (plus no one sees the food stuck in there, which is good).
Do your teeth hurt when you get Incognito Hidden Braces? If your experience mirrors mine, when your braces first go on, they don’t hurt. It’s the next day and the day after when your teeth are quite tender. For me, it was my tongue that hurt the most, particularly closest to the back molars. I expected this, as I heard this from other patients.
Why are they made of gold? Incognito Hidden Braces are made of a gold alloy to ensure precision. Since the brackets are custom-made, you’re going to want to ensure they brackets don’t bend during treatment and that they fit to you teeth when they’re bonded.
When is the best time to get Incognito Hidden Braces? Assuming the patient is a candidate for Incognito Hidden Braces, it is really up to the patient to determine when to get braces. Most orthodontists do not require a referral from a dentist or other oral health professional to arrange a consultation.
Considering you will need time to adjust to your braces, I would suggest avoiding any important speaking engagements for about two weeks. I personally did not have to take any time off of work due to discomfort; I did miss some time to get bonded, though.
What’s the best thing about wearing Incognito Hidden Braces? I love that I can smile freely throughout my treatment, and no one knows I’m wearing braces unless I tell them. It’s so liberating!
From what I understand, whether you wear braces on the outside of your teeth (labial) or braces on the inside (lingual), your front teeth straighten first. So instead of hiding those straight teeth behind metal or ceramic brackets, you can show off your smile throughout treatment. I honestly forget I’m wearing them, and it’s only three weeks in to treatment when I’m writing this.
Did you ever want to get your Incognito Hidden Braces taken off? I’ve only had them on for a few weeks, so I haven’t really gone through this. The only reason I can see why anyone would want them off is that they didn’t give themselves time to adjust to the braces. Make sure you know what you’re getting in to, and if you speak for a living (as a teacher, news anchor, etc.) book some time off work if necessary to adjust.
How are you going to prevent your teeth from shifting again? There is no guarantee that my teeth will stay where they end up this time, but I asked for a permanent retainer on my top and bottom teeth. I actually met a woman who still wears her removable retainers every night and her teeth look amazing. I will do the same if I end up with removable retainers.
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