Friday, April 30, 2010

Myths About Braces

There is so much information out there about braces and orthodontics that it is sometimes difficult to separate fact from fiction. We decided to set things straight by highlighting some of the most common misconceptions.

Myth: I am too old to get braces.
Fact: Adults can get braces at any age. In fact, approximately 30 % of our current patients are adults ranging from 18 – 71 years of age!

Myth: After your braces are ‘tightened’, your teeth hurt so much you can’t eat for a week.
Fact: The days of 'tightening' your braces are gone! Today’s braces don’t have elastics tying them together. They use a slide mechanism that doesn’t require as much force or friction be applied to the teeth. New technologies and flexible wires mean there is significantly less discomfort associated with tooth movement. These days, you can have straight teeth with minimal discomfort.

Myth: Braces are ugly, call attention to themselves and would be embarrassing in business settings.
Fact: Today's braces may be nearly invisible, made from clear plastic, or unseen, mounted on the back (lingual) side of the teeth.

Myth: I can’t play a musical instrument if I have braces.
Fact: Yes you can! That is, if you could play a musical instrument before you got braces.

Myth: I need a referral to see an Orthodontist.
Fact: No referral is required! Anyone can have a consultation with an Orthodontic Specialist.

Myth: Braces will set off the metal detectors in airports.
Fact: No worries! The lightweight materials used in braces will not affect metal detectors.

Myth: Once I get my braces off, my teeth will stay straight forever.
Fact: Teeth move throughout one’s lifetime, therefore it is important to wear retainers as prescribed by your orthodontist to maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Damon Difference

The days of getting your braces “tightened” are over!

With traditional braces, the archwire is tied in with elastics. This causes friction and pressure on the teeth, making treatment slower and less comfortable.

With the Damon System, no elastics are used. Instead, passive self-ligating brackets allow you to experience treatment without tightening. The brackets use a slide mechanism to hold the wire, allowing teeth to move more freely, quickly and comfortably.

This means that far lighter forces are applied to teeth, reducing friction, delivering faster treatment, greater comfort, and consistent high-quality results. With the Damon System, most cases can be treated without extractions and a full, natural 10-tooth smile awaits you at the end of treatment.

Damon System Braces deliver more than straight teeth – they are a gateway to greater confidence, a better self-image, personal and professional advancement – a new and better you!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

We Look Forward to Seeing You Smile!

At Surrideo Orthodontics, our doctors are experts at giving you the smile you've always wanted. Dr. Warren Cohen and Dr. Chung Yue are certified specialists in orthodontics providing the most advanced and comprehensive orthodontic care for patients of all ages.

Our team is dedicated to exceptional patient care and committed to staying current with the latest technological advances. We will work with you to find the orthodontic solution that best fits your lifestyle while taking into consideration treatment time, aesthetics, and the health of your smile.

We use state of the art Damon System braces that use less friction to provide quicker and gentler tooth movement. We are a Preferred Provider of Invisalign, the clear removable aligners. We are also one of the few offices in Calgary to offer Incognito Braces, the "hidden braces" which are placed behind the teeth. Keeping on the forefront of technological breakthroughs, we use OrthoCad IQ, a digital and 3D computer imaging system, which provides increased precision and decreased treatment time.

We hope that you will feel at home in our conveniently located office in South West Calgary. You will find a comfortable and friendly atmosphere where you can help yourself to complimentary coffee, tea and bottled water, as well as a wide selection of Nintendo DS games, and wireless Internet access.

We look forward to posting blogs on current orthodontic topics and staying connected with our patients, colleagues, and anyone interested in finding out more about Getting Things Straight!