Thursday, October 3, 2013

Think Pink and Dress for the Cause!

In honour of Breast Cancer Awareness month, the team at Surrideo has decided to Think Pink and Dress for the Cause. Every Wednesday we will dress our office and ourselves in pink to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research in Canada.

These are some of the photos from our first 'Dress for the Cause' day at Surrideo!

If you would like to help us raise funds for the Breast Cancer Society of Canada, please go to, click on 'Pledge a Participant' and type in 'Surrideo'.  Under the 'action' tab, you can choose to sponsor a team member by clicking on the far left icon or sponsor our whole team by clicking on the right icon.

Thank you for your support and Happy October!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Forsus Appliance

As we all know, orthodontic treatment can straighten your teeth and give you a beautiful smile.  Another important part of orthodontics, however, is correcting your bite so that your upper and lower teeth fit together properly. 

One of the most common problems our orthodontists see is patients that have protrusive upper teeth or an "overjet" where the upper teeth are too far ahead of the lower teeth. This requires a type of correction called "Class II Correction" which used to mean wearing headgear for several hours daily despite potential embarrassment and discomfort.  Over the past 25 years, however, there has been a gradual shift away from headgear, so much so that it is now very rare to see anyone wearing it. Not only has this change come about because patients didn't like it, but also because there are now excellent alternatives that are more acceptable to today’s youth. One of these is 3M Unitek's Forsus Appliance used frequently by Dr. Cohen and Dr. Yue.

Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device by 3M Unitek
If our orthodontists determine that your overbite can be resolved by moving the upper teeth back while allowing the lower teeth to move forward an equal amount, they may recommend these inter-arch springs connected between your upper teeth and your lower ones. 

Some of the benefits of using the Forsus appliance are:
1) It is hidden inside the cheeks and almost undetectable
2) It allows normal mouth movements and is well tolerated by patients
3) It is tough and rarely breaks
4) It causes very few emergencies
5) It has few undesirable side effects
6) It is non-removable by the patients so it cannot be misplaced or forgotten.

The length of time that the Forsus Appliance is worn varies depending on the level of correction needed for each case, and like anything associated with braces, it will take a couple of days to get used to having the appliance in your mouth.

Always be careful about what you eat.  Avoid hard or sticky foods and be sure to cut your food into smaller pieces. Brushing is always recommended after every meal. Take special care when brushing your teeth to avoid dislodging or separating the appliance.

As with any orthodontic appliance worn inside the mouth, some discomfort or irritation may occur. Call your orthodontist if discomfort or irritation continues or if a sore develops in your mouth.

Examining your springs daily and notifying your doctor when you notice anything out of the ordinary can help keep you on schedule and avoid setbacks.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Our First Community Outreach Day!

Surrideo Orthodontics


Smiles... In the Community

Our S.O.S Team had our first Community Outreach Day volunteering at NeighbourLink Calgary. We spent part of the day in the NeighbourLink warehouse putting together bedding packages for people in need and hope that through our work we were able to put a smile on someone's face! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Glossary of Orthodontic Terms

Many factors are assessed in your initial orthodontic consultation in order to develop a thorough and individualized treatment plan.  The following are some common orthodontic terms to help you understand and navigate your way through treatment.

The term used in orthodontics to describe teeth that do not fit together properly. From Latin, the term means "bad bite."

Class I Malocclusion
A malocclusion with the proper molar relationship where teeth may be crowded together, spaced apart, have an overbite, an openbite, or a crossbite.

Class II Malocclusion
A malocclusion with the upper front teeth protruding or due to the lower teeth and/or jaw positioned back relative to the upper teeth and/or jaw.

Class III Malocclusion
A malocclusion with the lower front teeth protruding or due to the lower teeth and/or jaw positioned ahead relative to the upper teeth and/or jaw.

It is the extent of the vertical overlap of the upper incisors over the lower incisors and is measured through. Overbite measures the VERTICAL overlap between the front biting edge of your upper incisors vs. that of the lower incisors when your teeth are in their normal bite position

Deep Bite
Also known as deep overbite, this occurs when the upper front teeth overlap the bottom front teeth an excessive amount.


Overjet is also known as “protrusion” of teeth. Overjet measures the HORIZONTAL difference between the front biting edge of your upper incisors vs. that of the lower incisors when your teeth are in their normal bite position

Congenitally Missing Teeth
A genetic occurrence in which the expected number of permanent teeth do not develop.

Upper posterior (back) teeth are in crossbite if they erupt and function inside or outside of the arch in the lower posterior teeth.

Lower anterior (front) teeth are I crossbite if they erupt and function in front of the upper anterior teeth.
A crossbite can be individual teeth or groups of teeth.

Ectopic Eruption
Term used to describe a tooth or teeth that erupt in an abnormal position.

A tooth that does not erupt into the mouth or only erupts partially is considered impacted.

Mixed Dentition
The dental developmental stage in children (approximately ages 6-12) when they have a mix of primary (baby) and permanent teeth.

Permanent Dentition
The set of 32 permanent teeth whose eruptions begin from the fifth to the seventh year, lasting until the 17th to the 23rd year, when the last of the wisdom teeth appear.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Braces Friendly Recipe - Chicken and Chick Pea Stew

Chicken &ChickPea Stew

Try our latest 'braces friendly' recipe.  It's high in fibre, easy to make and super tasty!   

1 tbsp cooking oil
2 celery stalks, chopped
2 carrots, diced
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
4 cups low sodium chicken broth
3 cups marinara (spaghetti) sauce
1 - 19 fl oz can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 - 19 fl oz can white kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1 1/2 cups dry short tube pasta (tubetti)
1/2 tsp pepper
8 skinless, boneless chicken thighs cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1/2 grated parmesan cheese


IN large sauce pan heat olive oil over medium heat. Add celery, onion and carrot and saute until tender. Add garlic and cook about 1 minute, stirring constantly. 

ADD broth, marinara, chickpeas, kidney beans, pasta and pepper and bring to a boil. 

REDUCE heat to low-medium and simmer until pasta is tender, about 10-12 minutes. 

ADD chicken to pan and cook 3-5 minutes until chicken is done. 

SPRINKLE with parmesan and serve.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What are Orthodontic Records and Why do I Need Them?

At your first visit to our office, we will compile your initial orthodontic records. This includes intraoral and extraoral photos as well as a panoramic xray (unless a current one is available from your family dentist).  These records will be available immediately for the orthodontist to view with you at your initial consultation and allow us to accurately address any concerns and give a detailed explanation of your treatment options.

Intraoral and Extraoral Photos - Intraoral (inside the mouth) and extraoral (outside the mouth) photos are taken of the patients teeth and face. These photos are used to determine the current classification of the patient's bite and profile, as well as a permanent record kept on file as a part of the patient's dental records.

Panoramic Radiograph - Also known as a panorex or pan, this x-ray is a two-dimensional and displays both the upper and lower jaws and teeth, in the same film. A panoramic x-ray is useful with mixed dentition because it allows the orthodontist to see the developing teeth, and predict when and where they will erupt in the mouth. It also allows the orthodontist to plan treatment if there are any missing or impacted teeth.
Adult patients that are considering orthodontic treatment will also have this x-ray taken so the orthodontist can assess the current health and position of the roots as well as the teeth.

If treatment is indicated, further orthodontic records will be required in order to provide you with the best orthodontic treatment plan possible for your situation. Prior to starting treatment, a patient will require another orthodontic records appointment that will last approximately 45 minutes and the following records will be compiled.

Study Models and Bite Registration 
Dental impressions are used to obtain study models, an accurate replica of a patient's mouth. An accurate registration of each patient’s bite is a critical piece of information that ensures an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Our office uses 3-D digital models so they can be transferred efficiently to your general dentist or other dental specialist. These study models are used by the orthodontist to accurately plan treatment and place brackets or other appliances with digital precision. They are also used to study the current position of the patient's teeth, and predict the future relationship between the upper and lower teeth.

Cephalometric Radiograph - The cephalometric x-ray, or ceph, is an x-ray that captures the side profile of the patient, from the top of their head to just below the tip of the chin. A cephalometric x-ray is taken to view the position of the upper and lower jaws and teeth in profile. Cephalometric radiographs are also used to monitor growth and development, to determine when growth is complete, and to evaluate the specific effects of orthodontic treatment.

Cephalometric Tracings - A tracing of an individual’s cephalometric radiograph outlines the facial bones and teeth. By identifying specific skeletal and dental landmarks, the orthodontist is able to make linear and angular measurements of the teeth and jaws. This information is critical for developing an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

When the orthodontist has obtained the completed records, the final treatment plan is recorded in the patient's file and orthodontic treatment can begin. Orthodontic records may be taken at different intervals during treatment to monitor the patients progress, and when treatment has been completed, to keep as part of the patient's permanent dental records.

Our radiographs are taken using our state-of-the-art digital x-ray equipment, which produces the highest quality of diagnostic images while exposing our patients to the least amount of radiation possible.  If at any time you have questions or concerns about x-rays or orthodontic records, please don't hesitate to ask. We are always happy to answer your questions!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

FAQ's about Incognito (Hidden) Braces

There are many questions about Incognito Braces - the braces placed behind the teeth so no one knows that you are wearing them.  We thought, who better to answer your questions than someone with first hand knowledge as an Incognito patient.  The following are some great questions and answers provided by Incognito Jacquie - a graduate of Incognito treatment!   

What are Incognito Hidden Braces? They’re braces that straighten your teeth, but they’re placed behind your teeth so no one knows you’re wearing them.
Why would someone get Incognito Hidden Braces? People who want to have straight teeth without anyone knowing they’re getting their teeth straightened would consider getting Incognito Hidden Braces.
Who typically wears Incognito Hidden Braces? People around the world of various ages, from adolescent to adult, wear Incognito Hidden Braces, because they do not want people to know they’re getting their teeth straightened.  The system works with crowns and other dental work, and I’ve seen it used on many types of misaligned teeth, including those needing extractions and/or surgery.
Some people choose hidden braces due to their career (police officers, models, construction workers, actors, executives, etc.). Other people are like me; they had braces as a kid, and their teeth moved, so they want to straighten their teeth without anyone knowing it’s happening. 
Are Incognito Hidden Braces really invisible? Well, this is a tough question.  I’m wearing Incognito Hidden Braces, and they’re not visible in my daily life.  When I smile, speak and eat, no one notices them. 
If I yawn really wide and someone’s staring at my mouth for some reason, he/she may see them from the side, or if looking down or up at the inside of my mouth.  Oh, and when something’s really funny, I put my head back when I laugh, and they’re visible then. 
Other than that, the braces remain hidden….unless I want to show them off!
Do Incognito Hidden Braces work on all teeth? This system is designed to work with a wide range of misaligned teeth, but everyone has different comfort levels.  Some limitations would be people whose teeth have not fully emerged, those who grind their teeth and people who cannot breathe through their nose, which is essential during the bonding process.
How long do people have to wear Incognito Hidden Braces? Every patient brings a unique dental situation to his/her doctor, so treatment times vary regardless of what system is used.  In general, the treatment time for Incognito Hidden Braces (lingual braces) is similar to having braces on the outside of your teeth (labial braces).
How are Incognito Hidden Braces different from braces on the outside of your teeth?                  

1)     Invisible – They’re on the back of my teeth, so if I move my head back pretty far when I laugh, that’s really the only time people see them unless I show them off.
2)     Custom-made – Unlike the mass produced brackets that go on the front of your teeth, each bracket and wire is custom-made for each Incognito Hidden Braces patient’s teeth.  When my brackets went in, they fit better than a glove…they fit so snugly.
3)     Gold – They’re made of a gold alloy for precision (not silver-looking metals or ceramic)
4)     Comfortable – Since the brackets are custom-made, they’re very low profile.  It really doesn’t take very long to adjust to them.  Plus tongues heal quickly.  I remember my cheeks hurting quite a lot with traditional (labial) braces when I was young.
What are Incognito Lingual Braces? You may have heard Incognito Hidden Braces referred to as Incognito Lingual Braces.  Lingual is dental jargon meaning on the tongue side of your teeth.  So Incognito Lingual Braces are appliances (braces) fixed behind your teeth, closest to your tongue.  In short, Incognito Hidden Braces are lingual braces.
Do I have to have braces on all of my teeth? There are various options available to people who require minor adjustments.  It would really be up to your orthodontist to help you choose the best solution to give you the most optimal results. Some people just need six brackets on the top and bottom, some need eight on each arch, and others need brackets on all of their teeth.
Is it difficult to clean your teeth with Incognito Hidden Braces? I was genuinely surprised at how easy my brackets have been to clean, and it is quite similar to braces on the outside of your teeth. I think it’s because they cover so much of my teeth. 
I have to make sure I floss, and I find the tree brush very useful for cleaning between the brackets.  You may want to consider a water pick as well. Flossing takes forever because you have to thread behind the wire and between each bracket, but it’s sooo worth it!  If you don’t, I hear that your gums will swell behind your teeth.
Do Incognito Hidden Braces affect the way you talk? You will have to adjust the way you speak when you get Incognito Hidden Braces.  Your tongue will no longer touch your teeth like it used to.  Try talking slower and practice The Rainbow Passage
What’s it like to eat with Incognito Hidden Braces? At first, you’ll want to eat anything you can swallow without chewing.  Think spoon-friendly foods like shepherd’s pie, chilli, curry, pudding, apple sauce, etc.  I even contemplated baby food just because I wanted some fruit!  Your teeth won’t touch at first (this is normal), so you won’t be able to chew too much.
I found the hardest thing to get used to was flipping food around in my mouth to get ready to swallow.  Your tongue will scrape along the brackets, and it feels quite differently.  
Choose your foods carefully as you don’t want to break a bracket off (no gum, no nuts, nothing hard), be prepared to chew slower, and suck food out of your brackets.  It seriously isn’t that bad, it is just something to get used to (plus no one sees the food stuck in there, which is good).
Do your teeth hurt when you get Incognito Hidden Braces? If your experience mirrors mine, when your braces first go on, they don’t hurt.  It’s the next day and the day after when your teeth are quite tender.  For me, it was my tongue that hurt the most, particularly closest to the back molars.  I expected this, as I heard this from other patients.
Why are they made of gold? Incognito Hidden Braces are made of a gold alloy to ensure precision.  Since the brackets are custom-made, you’re going to want to ensure they brackets don’t bend during treatment and that they fit to you teeth when they’re bonded.
When is the best time to get Incognito Hidden Braces? Assuming the patient is a candidate for Incognito Hidden Braces, it is really up to the patient to determine when to get braces.  Most orthodontists do not require a referral from a dentist or other oral health professional to arrange a consultation.
Considering you will need time to adjust to your braces, I would suggest avoiding any important speaking engagements for about two weeks.  I personally did not have to take any time off of work due to discomfort; I did miss some time to get bonded, though.
What’s the best thing about wearing Incognito Hidden Braces? I love that I can smile freely throughout my treatment, and no one knows I’m wearing braces unless I tell them.  It’s so liberating! 
From what I understand, whether you wear braces on the outside of your teeth (labial) or braces on the inside (lingual), your front teeth straighten first.  So instead of hiding those straight teeth behind metal or ceramic brackets, you can show off your smile throughout treatment.  I honestly forget I’m wearing them, and it’s only three weeks in to treatment when I’m writing this.
Did you ever want to get your Incognito Hidden Braces taken off? I’ve only had them on for a few weeks, so I haven’t really gone through this. The only reason I can see why anyone would want them off is that they didn’t give themselves time to adjust to the braces.  Make sure you know what you’re getting in to, and if you speak for a living (as a teacher, news anchor, etc.) book some time off work if necessary to adjust.
How are you going to prevent your teeth from shifting again? There is no guarantee that my teeth will stay where they end up this time, but I asked for a permanent retainer on my top and bottom teeth.  I actually met a woman who still wears her removable retainers every night and her teeth look amazing.  I will do the same if I end up with removable retainers.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

What Is a Tongue Thrust Habit?

When we are born, we all swallow with an in and out movement of the tongue.  As we grow, most of us transition to a swallowing pattern where the tongue presses against the roof of the mouth.  Some people don’t make the change and their tongue continues to push forward against or between the teeth when swallowing.  The tongue may also lie between the teeth while it is at rest.

How does a tongue thrust affect your teeth?
It doesn’t take a lot of force to move the teeth.  If there is constant pressure from the tongue pushing against your teeth it will cause your teeth to move and become crooked or spaced.  An open bite may also develop which means the teeth will not overlap normally. 
Open bite due to tongue thrust habit

-This can make chewing and swallowing more difficult
-It may be hard to chew with your lips closed
-It may cause an open-lip resting posture where it is hard for you to keep your lips closed even at rest
-An open-lip resting posture may cause gum disease
-An open-lip resting posture may also cause narrowing of the roof of your mouth and affect growth and dental development
-If you wear braces, it will take longer to straighten your teeth
-If you wore braces and your teeth were straightened, your teeth may not stay straight due to the imbalance of the muscles of the tongue, lips and cheeks.

Does everyone with a tongue thrust swallow the same?
No. Not all tongue thrusts are alike.  There are several types of tongue thrusts. Some push forward against and even sometimes through the teeth. Some push against the side teeth, some push against the top teeth and some push against the bottom teeth.

I don’t have a speech problem. Why has my orthodontist recommended I see a Speech-Language Pathologist?
Like any habit, a tongue thrust swallowing pattern is difficult to change.  A speech-language pathologist who offers myo-functional therapy can help you learn the new patterns of tongue movement you need to keep your tongue in the proper place.  Myo-functional therapy exercises given to you by a speech pathologist will help you make the necessary corrections so that it will become second nature for your tongue to rest in the proper place and for you to swallow correctly day and night.

How difficult and demanding is the therapy?
It is important that you want to make the changes and are mature enough to cooperate and stick with it. Therapy requires regular, short pieces of practice involving moving your tongue in specific ways and making sounds differently.  If you are willing to do this, you can change your patterns. The speech- language pathologist will make sure you understand the exercises and how to do them, tailoring them to suit your particular needs. Your job is to practice.

But doesn't the orthodontist straighten teeth?

Yes, your orthodontist can align your teeth and give you a beautiful smile, but if your tongue patterns in swallowing and speech are still pushing on your teeth, your tongue will push your teeth out of alignment again. This is why your orthodontist will refer you to a speech-language pathologist, so that you will have greater success in re-aligning your teeth and avoiding relapse.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Help With Speech For Orthodontic Patients

For some patients, orthodontic appliances like retainers or lingual (behind the teeth) wires and brackets can cause some changes to their speech.  If this sounds like something you've been experiencing, no worries!  The more you talk, the faster you will adapt to your new appliances and your speech will improve.

With Incognito Braces (hidden braces placed behind the teeth), most patients feel like they are speaking with a lisp or that their voice sounds funny.  For these patients, we often recommend that they read the Rainbow Passage several times a day for the first few weeks with their new appliances.  This passage was developed by speech pathologists and contains many of the sounds and sound combinations found in the the English language. The Rainbow Passage is one of the most common standard reading passages to test an individual's ability to produce connected speech and correct any speech impediments.

If you have a new appliance and have noticed changes to your speech, try practicing the Rainbow Passage.  Remember, the more you talk the quicker you will adjust to your new appliance and your speech will improve - so keep talking!

The Rainbow Passage

When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act as a prism and form a rainbow. The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colors. These take the shape of a long round arch, with its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon.
There is, according to legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end. People look, but no one ever finds it. When a man looks for something beyond his reach, his friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Throughout the centuries people have explained the rainbow in various ways. Some have accepted it as a miracle without physical explanation. To the Hebrews it was a token that there would be no more universal floods. The Greeks used to imagine that it was a sign from the gods to foretell war or heavy rain. The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which the gods passed from earth to their home in the sky.

Others have tried to explain the phenomenon physically. Aristotle thought that the rainbow was caused by reflection of the sun's rays by the rain. Since then physicists have found that it is not reflection, but refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbows.
Many complicated ideas about the rainbow have been formed. The difference in the rainbow depends considerably upon the size of the drops; the width of the colored band increases as the size of the drops increases. The actual primary rainbow observed is said to be the effect of a super-imposition of a number of bows. If the red of the second bow falls upon the green of the first, the result is to give a bow with an abnormally wide yellow band, since red and green light when mixed form yellow. This is a very common type of bow, one showing mainly red and yellow, with little or no green or blue.

(The Rainbow Passage is a public domain text.)

Monday, February 11, 2013

When is the Best Time to Start Orthodontic Treatment?

At Surrideo Orthodontics, we take a conservative approach to the timing of orthodontic treatment. While the American and Canadian Associations of Orthodontists recommend that the initial evaluation by an orthodontist should occur around the age of 7, we are often happy to see children for their first visit at about 8-9 years of age. 

Evaluation at this early age allows us to examine front-to-back and side to side relationships.  For example, the presence of erupting incisors can indicate possible overbite, open bite, crowding or gummy smiles.  Timely screening can determine if an early start to treatment is necessary, or allow us to set up an appropriate recall schedule to monitor growth and development.  

Drs. Cohen and Yue spend a great deal of time discussing timing of orthodontic referrals with their general and pediatric dental colleagues.  This dialogue allows your child's dentist to know which issues require early intervention, and which ones can wait until your child is a little bit older.  However, if your dentist is unsure, they will likely send you early so as not to miss an important opportunity.

Early evaluation provides both timely detection of problems and greater opportunity for more effective treatment. Prudent intervention when required guides growth and development, preventing serious problems later. When orthodontic intervention is not necessary, the doctors can carefully monitor growth and development with recall appointments. Recall appointments help us to choose the most advantageous time to begin treatment and ensure the greatest results. 

Should you have any concerns or if you are unsure when to bring your child in for an orthodontic evaluation, we would be happy to schedule an initial consultation to give you a better idea of timing and ease your concerns! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Orthodontic Retention - A Lifetime Commitment?

If you have been to our office for an orthodontic consultation, you have more than likely heard the term 'retention'.  Retention is the phase of orthodontic treatment required to keep teeth in the corrected position after they have been properly aligned with braces or Invisalign.  Without a phase of retention there is a tendency for the teeth to relapse or shift.  The teeth won't typically return completely to their initial position, but to avoid any unwanted shifting or movement, we recommend that every patient use some type of retention following orthodontic treatment. 

There are many different types of retainers and your orthodontist takes several factors into account when deciding which kind of retainer would best maintain the position of your teeth.  

Fixed Lingual Wire Retainers
These retainers are custom wires that are glued to the inside of the lower and upper front teeth.  The advantage of the lingual wire is that it is fixed on the teeth so the wearer doesn't have to remember to put it on each day. You can't lose or forget to wear the fixed retainer so there is very little concern of relapse. With the fixed retainer however, food can get trapped under the wire so the wearer has to brush and floss around the wire each day. Also, biting into hard foods can cause the wire to break or the bonding resin (glue) to come loose.  

Removable Retainers

Another type of retainer we offer our patients is a clear 'Essix' retainer which looks very similar to an Invisalign aligner. With this type of retainer, the teeth are fixed in position while wearing it. This retainer needs to be worn full time for the first three months of the retention phase. After that, night-time wear on a regular basis should keep the teeth in good alignment.

Yet another type of retainer is the 'Hawley' retainer. This retainer has an acrylic pad which fits in the roof of the mouth and a wire which can be seen on the outside of the teeth. Typically this retainer is used in between phases to maintain space or expansion for patients that require two phases of orthodontic treatment. 

Lifetime Retention

In talking with patients, your orthodontist will explain the importance of your retainer and exactly how long it should be worn. Typically, retainers are recommended to be worn all the time, 24/7, for a period of time. This can vary for each individual, but is often at least three months after the braces have been removed or Invisalign treatment has been completed.  After that, night-time retention is recommended for at least 24 months and then most patients can work their way down to wearing their retainer one or two nights a week. 

'Lifetime retention' does not mean wearing a retainer everyday for the rest of your life!  A good rule of thumb, however, is to keep in mind that some kind of retention will be required as long as you want your teeth to remain straight.